Berthold Bodoni
BertholdBodoniMicrosoft Typography Vendor links database. Links, news contacts Vendor links database. Microsofts Type foundries and font related product vendors database. If youre involved in the design and development of typefaces, or make font related software you will want to be included in our comprehensive database of Type foundries and font related product vendors. Just send an e mail to us at the e mail address listed on this page that includes all the details youd like to see published. If you are making True. Type or Open. Type fonts you should also consider registering a four letter Vendor ID with us and include the ID in your fonts. Registering a Vendor IDThe Vendor ID identifies the company responsible for the marketing and distribution of a typeface. It is reasonable to assume that there will be 6 vendors of ITC Zapf Dingbats for use on desktop platforms in the near future if not already. It is also likely that the vendors will have other inherent benefits in their fonts more kern pairs, unregularized data, hand hinted, etc. This identifier will allow for the correct vendors type to be used over another, possibly inferior, font file. English version Mitte der 60er Jahre entstand in New York die Idee fr eine Zeitschrift mit dem Titel Avant Garde. Es sollte ein intelligentes, frhliches. Font producers are under no obligation to register a Vendor ID with Microsoft. However, if they register with us and include their Vendor ID within their fonts, they will be assured that users will always be able to contact them, even if they change their Web or physical address. As an added benefit vendors are listed on our links pages with a registered vendor icon which links to a page of additional information about the company. To register e mail the following information to the e mail address listed on this page. Berthold Bodoni' title='Berthold Bodoni' />En 1784 Firmn Didot cre el primer tipo moderno. Este estilo fue mejorado con la creacin del italiano Bodoni y fue empleado como texto corrido hasta principios. Berthold-BertholdBodoniOldFaceBE-2012-07-22.gif' alt='Berthold Bodoni' title='Berthold Bodoni' />Your contact details. The Vendor ID youd like to register choose up to four letters certain combinations cant be accepted. The name and e mail address of the person we should contact regarding Vendor ID issues. Public e mail address, an email address we can publish. Your company address, phone number, fax number and e mail address. A description of your company, which may include links and paragraph breaks. The font formats and platforms you support. Windows True. Type fonts. Mac True. Type fonts. Windows Type 1 fonts. Mac Type 1 fonts. Open. Type fonts. Multiple Master fonts. Other font such as PCL, Type 1 for Unix etc. Type related software you produce. Windows applications, tools or utilities. Mac applications, tools or utilities. Applications, tools or utilities for other platforms. Font distribution methods. Approximate number of fonts in your catalog. Direct sales and licensing. Online sales and licensing. Specialist areas. International fonts. Symbol and dingbat fonts. Machine readable fonts. Custom type design. Placing a Vendor ID within a font. In Fontographer version 4. Windows, you can set your Vendor ID from the Element, Font Info, OS2 Data dialog box. In Font. Lab 4. 5 for Windows, you can set your Vendor ID in the File, Font Info, Version and Identification, Key identification settings, True. Type vendor code combo box. Alternatively, use our free Font properties editor. Registered Vendors. Font. Lab users to update the built in vendor ID list, save the list below as a plain text file named vendor. Data subfolder of the Font. Lab folder. ETF Exclamachine Type Foundrypro. Cheap. Pro. Fonts. Patricia Lillie. 1ASCAscender Corporation. BOUBoutros International. KTFKief Type Foundry. DLT2. D Typo. 2REB2. Rebels. 39. BCFinleys Barcode Fonts. Three Islands Press. FEB4th february. 5PTSFive Points Technology. Raven. Type. A SArt Sign Studio. A2. A2 Typeaaff. Astro. Academia Font Foundry. AATAhmet. Altun. Type. ABBOArabic Dictionary Lab. ABCAltek Instruments. ABCDDinamo Typefoundry. ABOUAboutype, Inc. ABYMABYMEACUTAcute Type. ADBEAdobe. ADBOAdobe. Ade. TAdele Type. ADGApply Design Group. AEAE Type. AEFAltered Ego Fonts. AGFAMonotype Imaging replaced by MONOAIDArtistic Imposter Design. AJPTAlan Jay Prescott Typography. AKOFAKOFAType. ALFAAlphabets. ALPHAlphameric Broadcast Solutions Limited. ALPNAlpona Portal. ALSArt. Lebedev Studioalte. Altemus. ALTSAltsys Made with Fontographer. AMUTKwesi Amuti. ANDOOsam Andoanty. Anatoletype. AOPan Art Of Pengwyn. APLYApply Interactive. APOSApostrophic Laboratories. APPLApple. ARBXArabetics. ARCHArchitext. ARINAring Typeface ABARPHArphic Technology Co. ARSEN ARS Ltd. ARTEArtegra. Ar. Ty. Archive Type. ASLAbneil Software Ltd fonts. ASSAastype. ASYMApplied Symbols. ATECPage Technology Marketing, Inc. ATFAmerican Type Founders Collection. ATF1. Australian Type Foundry. ATFSAndrew Tylers fonts. AUHAtelier Ursula Heilig SGDAUREAure Font Design. AUTOAutodidakt. AVFFAgustn Varela Font Factory. AVPAviation Partners. AZLSAzalea Software, Inc. B HBigelow Holmes. BARSCIA BAR CODES UKBASEBaseline Fonts. BATBUREAU DES AFFAIRES TYPOGRAPHIQUESBCPExpert Labels Ltd. BDXStudio Christian Bordeaux. BERTBerthold. BFBrass. Fonts. BITMBitmap Software. BITSBitstreambizf. Bizfonts. com. BLBinnenland. BLABBase. Lab. BLAHMister Blas Fontworx. BLCKBlack Foundry. BLIBlissym Language Institute. BLVBladvulling. BOLDBold Monday. BORWem. 2 Solutions. BOYBBoy. Beaver Fonts. BRBTBureau Brut. BRDVBoard. Vantage, Inc. BREMMark Bremmer. BROSMichael Brosnan. BRTCITSCO Bar Code Fonts. BSBarcodesoft. BSYVBen Syverson. BUBUBUBULogix. BWFWBW Fontworks. Bw. TBranding with Type. C BCoppers Brasses. C CCarter Cone. C GC G Inc. C2. 1Club 2. 1CAKpluginfonts. CAMCamelot Typefaces. CANOCanon. CASLH. W. Caslon Company Ltd. CATGCAT Fonts Germany. CBChristian Bning. CBDOBorges Lettering Design. CDACCentre for Development of Advanced Computingcdd. Crazy Diamond Design. CDFPVT2. 00. 0 Technical Services. CELBCelebrity Fontz. CFColophon Foundry. CFAComputer Fonts Australia. CFFCharacters Font Foundry. CJCJCreative Juncture. CKTPCake. Type. CLMCulmus Project. CMJKSlanted Hall. COMMCommercial Type. CONRConnare. com. COOLCool Fonts. CORDcorduroy. CR8. CR8 Software Solutions. CRRTCarrot Type. CTCastle. Type. CTDLChina Type Designs Ltd. CTLChaitanya Type Librarycwwf. Computers World WideAC Capital Funding. CYPEClub Type. CYRECyreal. D STDots Stripes Type. DADADada Studio. DAMADalton Maag Limited. DARKOut Of The Dark. DBDaniel Bruce. DBFFDesign. Base. DDDevon De. Lapp. Deco. Deco. Type replaced by DTDELVDelve Fontsdezc. Dezcom. DFSDatascan Font Service Ltd. DGDaniel Grumer. DGLDigital Graphic Labs foundry. DOMDukom Design. DSDainippon Screen Mfg. Co., Inc. DSBVDatascan bv. DSCIDesign Science Inc. DSGNDizajn. Design. DSKYJacek Dziubinski. DSSRDresser Johnson. DSSTDubina Nikolay. DSTDSType. DSTEDieste. DTDeco. Type. DTCDigital Typeface Corp. Elvis Presley Money Honey Mp3 Download. DTFDunwich Type Founders. DTLDutch Type Library. DTPSDTP Softwaredtp. Tdtp. Types Limited. DUXBDuxbury Systems, Inc. DYNADyna. Comware. ECALECAL Typefaces. EDBIedilbi. Studio. EDGERivers Edge Corp. EFElsnerFlake. EFFElectronic Font Foundry. EFIElfring Fonts Inc. EFNTE Fonts L. L. C. EFWSe. Film World. EKIOEkioh. ELSEElseware. EMGREmigre. EPSNEpson. ESIGE Signature. ETIOEthiopian Font Foundry. EVEREvertype. FAFont. Arte Type Foundry. FAFOFamira. Fonts. FAPAFamiljen. Pangea. FATFatype. FBIThe Font Bureau, Inc. FCABThe Font Cabinet. FCANfontage canada. FCTPFacetype. FDIFDI fonts. FEEDStudio Feed Inc. Feo. NFerag Nc. Bhrde. FGODFont. God. FILILouise Fili Ltd. FJTYFrank Jonen Illustration Typography. FMFOFontmill Foundry. FMSTFormist. FNTFFontfoundry. Fo. Fa. Font. Fabrik. FONTFont Source. FORMFormation Type Foundry. FOSTFoster Type. FOUNThe Foundry. FPThe Fontpad. FRJNFrere Jones Type. FRMLformlos. FRTHForthcome. FSFormula Solutions.