Centos Install Php As Apache Module Mod_Dir
Apachehttp. QiitaPHPPHPMy. SQL. ApacheMac OS Xchefcentos 6. Cent. OS 6. 5 httpd 2. Apache HTTP Server Version 2. Documentation chefcentos 6. Boxyum install httpd1. Centos Install Php As Apache Module Mod_Dir' title='Centos Install Php As Apache Module Mod_Dir' />Server. Tokens. HTTPOS Server. Tokens Product. OnlyApache Server. Server. Tokens Major. Apache2 Server. Server. Tokens Minor. Apache2. Server. Server. Tokens MinimalApache2. Server. Server. Tokens OSApache2. Cent. OS Server. Server. Tokens Full Apache2. Cent. OS DAV2 PHP5. Serverhttpd. conf Dont give away too much information about all the subcomponents we are running. Comment out this line if you dont mind remote sites finding out what major optional modules you are running. Server. Tokens. OS2. Server. Root. ApacheServer. Root directory pathhttpd. Server. Root The top of the directory tree under which the servers configuration, error, and log files are kept. NOTEIf you intend to place this on an NFS or otherwise network mounted filesystem then please read the Lock. File documentation available at lt URL http httpd. Do NOT add a slash at the end of the directory path. Server. Rootetchttpd3. Pid. FileIDPid. File filenameServer. Root cat etchttpdrunhttpd. Pid. File The file in which the server should record its process identification number when it starts. Note the PIDFILE variable in etcsysconfighttpd must be set appropriately if this location is changed. Pid. File runhttpd. Timeout Time. Out secondsGET POST PUT TCP TCP ACK httpd. Timeout The number of seconds before receives and sends time out. Timeout. Keep. Alive. HTTPKeep. Alive OnOffhttpd. Keep. Alive Whether or not to allow persistent connections more than one request per connection. Set to Off to deactivate. Keep. Alive. Off. Max. LAMP howto install MySQL and a PHPenabled Apache webserver on Linux httpwww. Centos Install Php As Apache Module Mod_Dir' title='Centos Install Php As Apache Module Mod_Dir' />Keep. Alive. RequestsMax. Keep. Alive. Requests number0 httpd. Max. Keep. Alive. Requests The maximum number of requests to allow during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount. We recommend you leave this number high, for maximum performance. Max. Keep. Alive. Requests. How install Apache 2. PHP 5. 4 and MySQL 5. Windows 7. Keep. Alive. TimeoutKeep. Alive. Timeout secondshttpd. Keep. Alive. Timeout Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the same client on the same connection. Keep. Alive. Timeout. Apache MPM prefork fork Start. Servers Start. 32bitapache rpmrpmbuild. Crazy Advanced Web Development for server admins, WordPress, and hackers with online tools and articles on Htaccess Rewrites, Linux, and PHP. Servers numberMin. Spare. Servers Min. Centos Install Php As Apache Module Mod_Dir' title='Centos Install Php As Apache Module Mod_Dir' />Spare. Servers numberMax. Spare. Servers Max. Spare. Servers numberServer. Limit Server. Limit numberprefork Apache Max. Clients1 2 Server. Limit Max. Clients ApacheMax. Clients Max. Clients numberMax. Requests. Per. Child Max. Requests. Per. Child numberhttpd. Server Pool Size Regulation MPM specific prefork MPM Start. Servers number of server processes to start Min. Spare. Servers minimum number of server processes which are kept spare Max. Spare. Servers maximum number of server processes which are kept spare Server. Limit maximum value for Max. Clients for the lifetime of the server Max. Clients maximum number of server processes allowed to start Max. Requests. Per. Child maximum number of requests a server process serveslt If. Moduleprefork. c Start. Servers. 8Min. Spare. Servers. 5Max. Spare. Servers. 20. Server. Limit. 25. 6Max. Clients. Max. Requests. Per. Child. 40. 00lt If. Module 8. Apache MPM workerMin. Spare. Threads Min. Spare. Threads numberMax. Spare. Threads Max. Spare. Threads numberThreads. Per. Child Threads. Per. Child number worker MPM. Start. Servers initial number of server processes to start. Max. Clients maximum number of simultaneous client connections. Min. Spare. Threads minimum number of worker threads which are kept spare. Max. Spare. Threads maximum number of worker threads which are kept spare. Threads. Per. Child constant number of worker threads in each server process. Max. Requests. Per. Child maximum number of requests a server process serves. If. Module worker. Start. Servers 4. Max. Clients 3. Min. Spare. Threads 2. Max. Spare. Threads 7. Threads. Per. Child 2. Max. Requests. Per. Child 0. lt If. Module. Drum Midi Files Reggae here. Listen listen IP Listen IP address portnumber protocol1 IPv. Listen 2. 00. 1 db. Listen 1. 92. 1. 70. Listen Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses andor ports, in addition to the default. See also the lt Virtual. Host directive. Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses 0. Listen 1. 2. 3. 4. Listen. 80. 10. Load. ModuleLoad. Module module filenamehttpd. Dynamic Shared Object DSO Support To be able to use the functionality of a module which was built as a DSO you have to place corresponding Load. Module lines at this location so the directives contained in it are actually available before they are used. Statically compiled modules those listed by httpd l do not need to be loaded here. Example Load. Module foomodule modulesmodfoo. Load. Module authbasicmodule modulesmodauthbasic. Load. Module authdigestmodule modulesmodauthdigest. Load. Module authnfilemodule modulesmodauthnfile. Load. Module authnaliasmodule modulesmodauthnalias. Load. Module authnanonmodule modulesmodauthnanon. Load. Module authndbmmodule modulesmodauthndbm. Load. Module authndefaultmodule modulesmodauthndefault. Load. Module authzhostmodule modulesmodauthzhost. Load. Module authzusermodule modulesmodauthzuser. Load. Module authzownermodule modulesmodauthzowner. Load. Module authzgroupfilemodule modulesmodauthzgroupfile. Load. Module authzdbmmodule modulesmodauthzdbm. Load. Module authzdefaultmodule modulesmodauthzdefault. Load. Module ldapmodule modulesmodldap. Load. Module authnzldapmodule modulesmodauthnzldap. Load. Module includemodule modulesmodinclude. Load. Module logconfigmodule modulesmodlogconfig. Load. Module logiomodule modulesmodlogio. Load. Module envmodule modulesmodenv. Load. Module extfiltermodule modulesmodextfilter. Load. Module mimemagicmodule modulesmodmimemagic. Load. Module expiresmodule modulesmodexpires. Load. Module deflatemodule modulesmoddeflate. Load. Module headersmodule modulesmodheaders. Load. Module usertrackmodule modulesmodusertrack. Load. Module setenvifmodule modulesmodsetenvif. Load. Module mimemodule modulesmodmime.