Epson Perfection 3490 Photo Scanner Drivers
The DPI You Should Be Scanning Your Paper Photographs. One of the most important decisions you face when scanning anything with your scanner is choosing what dpi dots per inch to scan with. And specifically for this post, what is the best dpi to use when scanning and archiving your 81. Making this decision was very challenging for me and certainly a huge part of my 8 year delay. Download Scanner Driver Absolutely Free Drivers For Free software scans your computer for missing and outdated drivers. With free account activation and minimal. Scanning Images. Run VueScan Insert image into scanner Set InputMedia type Press Preview button Adjust crop box with mouse Press Scan button. EPSON Creativity Suite Het softwarepakket bevat Easy Photo Print waarmee u snel en eenvoudig fotos bewerkt en afdrukt, Print Image Framer PIF waarmee u uw. Official Epson support and customer service is always free. Download drivers, access FAQs, manuals, warranty, videos, product registration and more. The reason for this is that dpi is the critical variable in a fairly simple mathematical equation that will determine several important outcomes for your digital images Detail how much image detail you will extract from your photograph. Image Size how much resolution in pixels you will have to work with e. File Size how large the file size will become e. MB or 6. 4,8. 78,4. Its definitely a decision you want to make before you complete your very first scan. Trust me, you dont want to get halfway through your collection and realize you could have been extracting more image detail from your prints if you had just chosen a slightly higher dpi to begin with. If you study the routine of a professional photo restorer, you will learn they tend to see each photograph as a separate challenge like a doctor attending to an ailing patient for the first time. Its a laborious investigative process for them. They may even scan each print several times with varying dpis, carefully comparing each image until they find the most appropriate dpi for the photos personalized workflow. Because you probably have anywhere from hundreds to a few thousand photos on average in your familys collection, its not practical or even reasonable for me to suggest we would want to attempt such perfectionism. So instead what I decided to do was focus my effort on finding a single dpi setting we could scan with for each print dimension in our collections like a 33, 46 or a 57 picture. This way, not only is it one less decision you will have to make when youre sitting in front of a large stack of photographs to scan, but it will also create a pleasant consistency across your entire digital collection. I know, so far this all sounds great doesnt it Well the trouble with trying to settle on just one dpi setting per dimension is that its going to be used to produce in most cases just one master digital file that we will be archiving. So this one dpi is burdened with producing a satisfactory result for each of the three important outcomes I listed above. To make it easier for us to wrap our heads around this problem, I have summarized all of my concerns into this one question What dpi should we scan our paper photographs with that will capture as much detail stored in them as we possibly can, will create a manageable file size, but will also produce enough image resolution should we choose to do some radical cropping or print out an average sized enlargement from them someday Before we go any further, I feel it necessary to mention the term dpi really is incorrect when were talking about scanning images. Because of laziness in the industry, we have been saddled with this acronym carried over from halftone dots per inch used by press reproduction with screened plates used for magazines and newspapers. BoxvYqFM720/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Epson Perfection 3490 Photo Scanner Drivers' title='Epson Perfection 3490 Photo Scanner Drivers' />Instead, what we are dealing with are actually pixels and not dots. Its really referred to as ppi or pixels per inch. The resolution of an image on your computer monitor is measured by the amount of pixels tall and pixels wide they are composed of e. However, to avoid any unneeded confusion here and because we are talking about the setting in your scanner software that almost always refers to ppi as dpi, I will use dpi instead. Just understand that as far as the setting on your scanner, they mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably. Alright then. Now that we have that taken care of, lets figure this out. Choosing DPI Based on Time Required One of the biggest mistakes I find people make when choosing the dpi is allowing the length of time it takes to complete the scan influence their decision. Those new to scanning may be surprised to learn that the higher the dpi, the longer it takes for the scanner to make its capturing pass and for the computer the process the information. Ive recorded for you the time it takes my current scanner, the Epson Perfection v. You can see there is in fact a vast difference in the amount of time required to scan at one of its lowest settings 1. But more importantly, I want you to notice the time it takes to scan at 3. On this model, we are only talking about a difference of 1. And specifically between 3. All scanners scan at different speeds so your scanner may or may not be slower than this model. But if it is, chances are the percentage of time between each of the dpi settings will be very similar. Regardless, if you think you are going to be one of the ones waiting impatiently for your scanner to work its magic on a higher dpi, I would like you to remember this. Scanning and archiving your familys photo collection is an investment. Its going to be an investment of your time and energy, and for that reason, you probably will only want to do this one time. I believe its worth a few extra moments as agonizing as you may find them to be to insure your image quality isnt being compromised by rushing the process. Open wounds need time to heal, baking dough needs time to rise, and photo scanners need time to scan. Got it To fill the extra time, consider taking an extra long sip of your nonfat mocha latte, play solitaire, watch some television, or better yet lightly dust off your next photo to be scanned with a lint free cloth. So what happens when you scan with the dpi set too low Paper prints were never intended to replace the original slides and negatives they were made from they simply cant hold that much detail. Instead they were only made so it would be easy to share them. We could print them out, stick them in a fun colorful album and bring them around town to show our family and friends. If you are fortunate to have the original film negatives or slides, you definitely want to use them instead of your prints to create the highest quality digital images possible. Sadly, many of us have accidentally misplaced our negatives or threw them in the trash throughout the years and are only left with these fair to moderate paper representations. But dont get me wrong we are lucky to have these. Just talk for a few minutes with someone who lost their entire collection to a house fire and you will want to cut them off mid story and rush home to your shoebox of Polaroids and give them a big ol hugIm not kidding. Really hug them. Hug them now. Paper prints can only hold up to 2. If youre really blessed, you might have some prints with detail up to 6. Its really difficult to look at a photographic print and know how many dots per inch of detail it holds. Professionals that have been doing this for many years can probably tell based on a lot of criteria such as the year it was printed, the type of film negative it was exposed with, the type of paper it was printed on etc. But for the rest of us, I think its fair to say we can only estimate after some trial and error. If youre really motivated, take one of your prints and scan it at different resolutions such as 1. Then put each one of your images on your computer monitor zooming in when necessary and compare the level of detail. Remise zro du compteur des imprimantes Epson Imprimante Hardware Priphriques. Bonjour. Jai fait une traduction de la procdure de remise zro des imprimantes ESPON, celle ci tait dtaille en anglais dans le prsent forum. Si elle peut servir quelquun. Nhsitez pas corriger sil y a des erreurs. Cet article vous explique comment rinitialiser la puce EPROM employe dans les imprimantes jet dencre EPSON. Cette puce contient entre autres la valeur de la quantit dencre collecte par les tampons lors des nettoyages de ttes. Lorsque ces tampons sont jugs saturs selon une valeur prdfinie par la puce, limprimante se bloque et ceux ci doivent tre remplacs. Aprs leur remplacement, vous devez rinitialiser la puce afin de pouvoir rutiliser limprimante normalement. La procdure varie en fonction des modles. Show current value Compteur du nombre de pages imprimes. Remis zro lors dune rinitialisation. Reset protection Counter Permet de rinitialiser le compteur current value. Remet zro le compteur dencre contenue dans les tampons. Sutilise uniquement lorsque limprimante affiche une erreur de service. Sur les vieux modles dimprimantes, ces fonctions peuvent entraner un message derreur si le compteur atteint la valeur maximale. Dans ce cas, consultez le manuel dutilisation fourni avec limprimante. ATTENTION ne rinitialisez pas le compteur si les tampons nont pas t remplacs, au risque de dtriorer les ttes dimpression. Voici ci dessous les instructions de rinitialisation manuelle du compteur de protection sur les modles dimprimantes. Eteignez limprimante. Remplacez les tampons de collecte dencre usage. Excutez les instructions de rinitialisation selon votre modle. Rteignez limprimante. EPSON 7. 60. 09. Allumez limprimante en maintenant appuy simultanment SOURCE PAPIER, CHARGER PAPIER, COUPERJECTER. Relachez tous les boutons. Manu devrait apparatre. Appuyez sur DOWN, CLEAR COUNTER devrait apparatre. Pressez FLCHE DROITE, puis FLCHE SUPRIEURE. Vous devriez voir MAIN TANK. Pressez FLCHE DROITE, puis ENTRER CUTEJECT. Activez loption de nettoyage. Ready saffiche sur le panneau de commande. Selectype Paramtres imprimante droulez vers le bas jusqu Maintenance Selectype Activer le nettoyage. A la fin, appuyez sur JECTER. Allumez limprimante. Maintenez appuy STOP, MAINTENANCE et POWER en mme temps, puis teignez limprimante lorsque vous y tes invits. EPSON photo 9. 50, 9. Allumez limprimante en maintenant le switch du rouleau de papier et le switch papier appuys. Les voyant papier et cartouche clignotent pendant 3 secondes. Durant ce temps, relachez momentanment le switch du rouleau de papier, puis maintenez le nouveau press pendant 1. Lorsque limprimante vrifie lutilitaire de maintenance, les tmoins lavant sallument pendant 2 secondes, et limprimante se met en veille. Etignez limprimante. Pressez les boutons suivants en mme temps POWER, CHARGERJECTER, STOP, NOIRBLANC, COULEUR. Limprimante se met en marche, et vous devriez pouvoir lire Init eeprom sur lcan. Pressez le bouton COULEUR pour rinitialiser le compteur. Pressez les boutons suivant en mme temps POWER, NOIRBLANC, COULEUR. Puis, lorsque vous y tes invits, teignez limprimante. Maintenez les boutons PAPIER et CARTOUCHE en allumant limprimante. Lorsque le tmoin Papier clignote, relachez les boutons, puis maintenez press le bouton de nettoyage des cartouches pendant 1. Limprimante devrait entamer un cycle de nettoyage et vrification pendant environ 3 minutes, puis devrait fonctionner normalement. Allumez limprimante en maintenant les bouton 1 et 3 ROULEAU PAPIER, CHARGEMENT PAPIER appuys. Maintenez Appuy le premier bouton pendant 1. EPSON Stylus color. Maintenez appuy ALT, FRONT, CHARGEMENT, PAUSE et allumez limprimante en mme temps. Relchez tous les boutons. Best Playwriting Mfa Programs. EPSON stylus color 3. Maintenez appuy CHARGERJECTER et NETTOYER, allumez limprimante en mme temps tout en maintenant galement le bouton POWER jusqu ce que les tmoins cartouche et papier clignotent. Relchez tous les boutons. CHARGERJECTER et NETTOYER. EPSON Stylus color 4. Maintenez appuy CHARGERJECTER et NETTOYER, allumez limprimante en mme temps tout en maintenant galement le bouton POWER jusqu ce que les tmoins cartouche et papier clignotent. Relchez tous les boutons. CHARGERJECTER. EPSON Stylus Color 4. Maintenez appuy CHARGERJECTER et NETTOYER, allumez limprimante en mme temps tout en maintenant galement le bouton POWER jusqu ce que les tmoins cartouche et papier clignotent. Relchez tous les boutons. NETTOYER appuy jusqu ce que toutes les leds clignotent. EPSON Stylus color 6. Maintenez appuy CHARGERJECTER et NETTOYER, allumez limprimante en mme temps tout en maintenant galement le bouton POWER jusqu ce que les tmoins cartouche et papier clignotent. Relchez tous les boutons. CHARGERJECTER appuy jusqu ce que toutes les leds clignotent. EPSON Stylus color 8. Maintenez appuy CHARGER, NETTOYER COULEUR et NETTOYER NOIR. Dans le mme temps, allumez limprimante et maintenez le bouton POWER appuy. Relchez tous les boutons lorsque les tmoins cartouche et papier clignotent. NETTOYER COULEUR, toutes les leds devraient clignoter. EPSON Stylus Color 9. Maintenez appuy CHARGERJECTER et NETTOYER, allumez limprimante. Le tmoin cartouche clignote. Relchez tous les boutons. NETTOYER pendant 1. EPSON Stylus Color 3. Allumez limprimante en maintenant appuys PAUSE, LFFF et FLCHE BAS. Relchez tous les boutons. EPSON Stylus Photo 7. Allumez limprimante en maintenant appuy MAINTENANCE et PAPIER. Le tmoin derreur devrait clignoter. Relchez tous les boutons. PAPIER pendant 1. Relchez lorsque toutes les leds clignotent. EPSON Stylus Photo 8. Allumez limprimante en maintenant appuy MAINTENANCE et PAPIER. Relchez les boutons lorsque le tmoin dallumage clignote. PAPIER pendant 1. Relchez lorsque toutes les leds clignotent. EPSON Stylus 1. 52. Allumez limprimante en maintenant appuy les boutons ALT, LFFF, CHARGERJECTER, MICRO, AJUSTER. EPSON Stylus Color II, IIS, 4. Allumez et teignez limprimante 5 fois conscutives avec le bouton POWER.