Net Drive 2 Crack Mind
The app is certainly a relic, from a time when the casual computer user couldnt crack open Photoshop or Skitch or Pixelmator or thousands of web apps. TheINQUIRER publishes daily news, reviews on the latest gadgets and devices, and INQdepth articles for tech buffs and hobbyists. Official Delidded Club Guide. First off is this Disclaimer delidding is a very dangerous process Only delid if you truly believe you are ready after reading and watching and viewing all the necessary materials that apply to delidding and getting all necessary equipment ready as wellMOD NOTE Delidding your CPU does void its warranty. If you RMA the chip it is classed as RMA fraud, please do not discuss such actions in this thread or anywhere on OCN. Second off is this There is a new way to delid Official Club here Here is some great tips and helpful information on the Vice method Click to showHey guysTwo days ago I posted saying YOLO, going in the vice now. Within 5 minutes of posting that I was done. I have some tips for and info on the vice method for people who have never done it, or are still afraid of this method. For the record, I successfully delided my 3. K with a THICK box cutting razor. There was not a scratch on the PCB, and it took me all of 5 minutes. Infowars. com the home of the 1 Internet News Show in the World. Ill admit I was careless, but Im damn good with my hands. Onto the vice method For those that dont want to buy a Vice, or think that the razor method is cheaper and safer, THINK AGAINTwo days ago I bought a 4 Drill Press Vice from Lowes for 1. The Part number is BV DP4. This is probably the best vice for the job. And for all you people who dont want to drop 2. Lowes has a 9. 0 day return policyI dont feel guilty about returning the vice because 1. The box is in perfect condition, 2. The vice jaws were covered in blue painters tape to protect both the jaws, and my IHS, and 3. The vice has not a scratch on it, and was never bolted to a bench table. So after youre done, return itThats a free delid folks. Heres the vice I used. Its 3. 0 on amazon, but only 1. Lowes And at Lowes you have 9. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. This is my first Toshiba hard drive. Ive been into computers since the early 90s, and I have always thought highly of Western Digital and Seagate. Bessey BV DP4. 0 Drill Press VisedpB0. PUDLYOnward. Heres how I positioned the vice. The operation was completed on my kitchen counter. I have a board underneath the vice to protect my counter, and a board held vertically behind the vice that serves two purposes. To protect my kitchen counter molding, and 2 To give the vice a solid backing, since all of the force will be directed that way. With this setup, the vice will not move, and will be just as secure as if it were bolted to a work bench. Now for the positioning of the IHS in the vice. I havent seen this discussed much so Ill add my suggestion for how it should be placed. For Haswell, secure the IHS in the vice so that the VRM side is facing you, meaning you will be hitting the VRM side with your block. Why Because this minimizes the risk of both the VRMs and the Die itself from hitting anything after it is free of the IHS. Take a look in my pictures at the layout of the 4. I crack it open. Youll see that the side of the chip which has the most clearance between the die and the edge of the PCB or IHS is the side opposite that of the VRM side. You want to hit the VRM side because once your chip is free it will move forward, and when oriented this way your VRMs and die are furthest from the threats they are approaching. For Ivy, just make sure your vice is clamping the flanged sides of the IHS, this will allow the most safety clearance for the die. Phew that was a lengthy explanation for such a simple concept. Net Drive 2 Crack Mind' title='Net Drive 2 Crack Mind' />
Heres an example of how a 4. K4. 67. 0K should be clamped. Now for what material your hitting block should be made of. PINE. Thats it, no other woods, dont even think about it. Pine is soft enough to not damage the PCB, yet strong enough to break the seal easily. Use a section of 2x. Two by Four with nice square edges. Id recommend a length no shorter than 8, and no longer than 1. The shorter the block, the less force it can absorb meaning the PCB will take more brute force. Too long, and it may become difficult to hold and control. Now hold the block, with its clean flat and square side, directly parallel to the PCB. Apply pressure towards the PCB with your hand, this eliminates the chance of the block slipping off, or a slapping effect on the PCB which we DO NOT WANT. Hit the thing, hard. However technique is also involved in this stage. When youre hitting a nail, you swing hard and follow through the point being to drive the nail with the follow through of your hammers blow. This isnt the type of swing you want. We want concise yet powerful taps, no follow through. If you hit the PCB with a full blown nail driving follow through, youll send it flying. Bad. So to reiterate Strong, yet controlled and concise hits. Your PCB should be free in a few hits, and it shouldnt even go flying if you follow this technique. When I did mine, the PCB broke free and rested right on top on the IHS, no drama whatsoever. After the PCB was free I inspected the edge that was hit. It was immaculate, not even a micro scratch or dent to be seen. My block of wood 2x. PINE took all the force. You can see here how the block fared afterwards. Neverwinter Nights Games Like on this page. This proves that the PCB is much stronger than pine. As for cleaning off the glue, Ive heard some people complain saying its hard to get off. Get real. Use the corner of a credit card and scrape it off. Scrape as hard as you want, I promise you the plastic your card is made of WILL NOT scratch the PCB, even if you tried. UPDATE 3 AND CRACK FULL GAME CRACKED TORRENT 3 GB Hell is an experiment you cant survive in Outlast, a firstperson survival horror game developed. Wasted money on unreliable and slow multihosters LinkSnappy is the only multihost that works. Download from ALL Filehosts as a premium user at incredibly fast speeds SPECIAL EDITION RELOADED MULTI DLC TORRENT CRACK ONLY UPDATE 123 SG Batman Arkham Origins is the next installment in the blockbuster. In conclusion, Ive done both methods. Use a vice. Its safer, its faster, and it can even be cheaper if you have no qualms about returning your 2. Hope this post want too long, and that it helps some of you out. Happy deliding. Ill post my results and validation here in a few minutes. YOUR HASWELL CAN BE DELIDDED AS WELL So the main reason for this is that there is a certain way to delid with a blade on this one. IHS now. Make sure to cover the caps with either LET Liquid Eletrical Tape or clear nail polish. As you can see the caps are on the same side as the line of gold pads. NEED to start the cut on the opposite corner to keep those caps safe for the initial cut. Also read this as well To get a good idea of how good of a cpu you have try a low over clock like 4. GHZand see how low of voltage you can get it stable at. GHZis usually a decent chip and when you delid the performance increases. V vcore or lower is prolly a good chip,but the oc needs to be stable, not a quick run, like for a validation, then it could do 1. V vcore or less mostly There will be a few things first off that I need to get out of the way for this. I want this club to not only show what we have done through our time and effort but to be a helpful club to others and direct them to the right people on how to properly delid and get the information out their now so no one makes any mistakes Delidding information and guidesClick to showFirst off here are a few guides that we have been looking at on how to delid our Ivy Bridge processor, these will hopefully help you in this decision Warning SpoilerClick to showHere are two other good info threads for those thinking of delidding Courtesy of PCWargamer Warning SpoilerClick to showIf you are curious about doing this just ask us in this thread and if you really want to see some real number results go to my other thread here Warning SpoilerClick to showNow, I hate to say this but we have had chips die in the past and this is what can happen if you arent ready and fully prepared Warning SpoilerClick to showHowever He was very lucky and fortunate to have that chip still work. Ivy Bridges are tough, but not invincible Now for the real reason your Ivy Bridge runs hot.