Quantum Computing Algorithms Pdf
CryptographyChart-1.png' alt='Quantum Computing Algorithms Pdf Sedgewick' title='Quantum Computing Algorithms Pdf Sedgewick' />Shors algorithm Wikipedia. Shors algorithm, named after mathematician Peter Shor, is a quantum algorithm an algorithm that runs on a quantum computer for integer factorization formulated in 1. Informally, it solves the following problem given an integer N, find its prime factors. On a quantum computer, to factor an integer N, Shors algorithm runs in polynomial time the time taken is polynomial in log N, which is the size of the input. Specifically it takes quantum gates of order Olog N2log log Nlog log log N using fast multiplication,2 demonstrating that the integer factorization problem can be efficiently solved on a quantum computer and is thus in the complexity class. Quantum Computing Algorithms Pdf' title='Quantum Computing Algorithms Pdf' />Quantum Mechanical Algorithms for the Non., Proceedings of Symposium on the Theory of Computing, 1993. Special issue on Quantum Computation. V. Vazirani. Chapter 10 Quantum algorithms This book started with the worlds oldest and most widely used algorithms the ones for adding and multiplyingnumbers and an ancient. BQP. This is substantially faster than the most efficient known classical factoring algorithm, the general number field sieve, which works in sub exponential timeĀ about Oe. N13 log log N23. 3 The efficiency of Shors algorithm is due to the efficiency of the quantum Fourier transform, and modular exponentiation by repeated squarings. If a quantum computer with a sufficient number of qubits could operate without succumbing to noise and other quantum decoherence phenomena, Shors algorithm could be used to break public key cryptography schemes such as the widely used RSA scheme. RSA is based on the assumption that factoring large numbers is computationally intractable. So far as is known, this assumption is valid for classical non quantum computers no classical algorithm is known that can factor in polynomial time. However, Shors algorithm shows that factoring is efficient on an ideal quantum computer, so it may be feasible to defeat RSA by constructing a large quantum computer. It was also a powerful motivator for the design and construction of quantum computers and for the study of new quantum computer algorithms. It has also facilitated research on new cryptosystems that are secure from quantum computers, collectively called post quantum cryptography. In 2. 00. 1, Shors algorithm was demonstrated by a group at IBM, who factored 1. NMR implementation of a quantum computer with 7 qubits. After IBMs implementation, two independent groups implemented Shors algorithm using photonic qubits, emphasizing that multi qubit entanglement was observed when running the Shors algorithm circuits. In 2. Also in 2. 01. Shors algorithm. 8 In April 2. Shors algorithm. 9 In November 2. ProcedureeditThe problem we are trying to solve is given an odd composite number. Ndisplaystyle N, find an integer ddisplaystyle d, strictly between 1displaystyle 1 and Ndisplaystyle N, that divides Ndisplaystyle N. We are interested in odd values of Ndisplaystyle N because any even value of Ndisplaystyle N trivially has the number 2displaystyle 2 as a prime factor. We can use a primality testing algorithm to make sure that Ndisplaystyle N is indeed composite. Moreover, for the algorithm to work, we need Ndisplaystyle N not to be the power of a prime. This can be tested by checking that Nkdisplaystyle sqrtkN is not an integer, for all klog. Ndisplaystyle kleq log 2N. Since Ndisplaystyle N is not a power of a prime, it is the product of two coprime numbers greater than 1displaystyle 1. As a consequence of the Chinese remainder theorem, the number 1displaystyle 1 has at least four distinct square roots modulo. Ndisplaystyle N, two of them being 1displaystyle 1 and 1displaystyle 1. The aim of the algorithm is to find a square root bdisplaystyle b that is different from 1displaystyle 1 and 1displaystyle 1 such a bdisplaystyle b will lead to a factorization of Ndisplaystyle N, as in other factoring algorithms like the quadratic sieve. In turn, finding such a bdisplaystyle b is reduced to finding an element adisplaystyle a of even period with a certain additional property as explained below, it is required that the condition of Step 6 of the classical part does not hold. The quantum algorithm is used for finding the period of randomly chosen elements adisplaystyle a, as this is a hard problem on a classical computer. Shors algorithm consists of two parts A reduction, which can be done on a classical computer, of the factoring problem to the problem of order finding. A quantum algorithm to solve the order finding problem. Classical parteditPick a random number a lt N. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Program Summer 2013. Quantum Computing Algorithms Pdf' title='Quantum Computing Algorithms Pdf' />Compute gcda, N. This may be done using the Euclidean algorithm. If gcda, N 1, then this number is a nontrivial factor of N, so we are done. Otherwise, use the period finding subroutine below to find r, the period of the following function. N,displaystyle fxaxbmod N,. ZNdisplaystyle mathbb Z Ntimes, which is the smallest positive integer r for which fxrfxdisplaystyle fxrfx, or fxraxrmod. Naxmod. N. displaystyle fxraxrbmod Nequiv axbmod N. If r is odd, go back to step 1. If ar 2displaystyle equiv 1 mod. N, go back to step 1. The Amazing Spider Man 2 Trailer 2013 Free Download. N and gcdar2 1, N are both nontrivial factors of N. We are done. For example N1. N1. 5,a7,r4, gcd7. Quantum part Period finding subroutineedit. Quantum subroutine in Shors algorithm. The quantum circuits used for this algorithm are custom designed for each choice of N and each choice of the random a used in fx axmod. N. Given N, find Q 2q such that N2Qlt 2. N2displaystyle N2leq Qlt 2. Candy Trio Oven Dishwasher Manual. N2, which implies Qr Ndisplaystyle Qr N. The input and output qubit registers need to hold superpositions of values from 0 to Q 1, and so have q qubits each. Using what might appear to be twice as many qubits as necessary guarantees that there are at least N different x which produce the same fx, even as the period r approaches N2. Proceed as follows Initialize the registers to. Q1. 2x0. Q1xdisplaystyle Q frac 12sum x0Q 1leftxrightrangle. This initial state is a superposition of Q states. Construct fx as a quantum function and apply it to the above state, to obtain. Q1. 2xx,fx. displaystyle Q frac 12sum xleftx,fxrightrangle. This is still a superposition of Q states. Apply the quantum Fourier transform to the input register. This transform operating on a superposition of power of two Q 2q states uses a Qthroot of unitysuch ase. Qdisplaystyle omega efrac 2pi iQ to distribute the amplitude of any given xdisplaystyle leftxrightrangle state equally among all Q of the ydisplaystyle leftyrightrangle states, and to do so in a different way for each different x. Let y be one of the r possible integers modulo Q such that yrQ is an integer then. UQFTxQ1. 2yxyy. displaystyle UQFTleftxrightrangle Q frac 12sum yomega xyleftyrightrangle. This leads to the final state. Q1xyxyy,fx. displaystyle Q 1sum xsum yomega xylefty,fxrightrangle. Now we reorder this sum as. Q1zyy,zx fxzxy. displaystyle Q 1sum zsum ylefty,zrightrangle sum x ,fxzomega xy. This is a superposition of many more than Q states, but many fewer than Q2 states, since there are fewer than Q distinct values of zfxdisplaystyle zfx.