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DownloadSoftwareCasioLandSurveyProgramLatitudeLongitude to UTM Conversions. On October 5th, 1. I posted a request on sci. UTM. coordinate systems. I was a bit overwhelmed by the response. All of them. were excellent. Ive included the responses below, the authors kindly. One note of caution is reflected in Richard Koolishs message below. Depending on the geodetic datum used, your results vary when performing coordinate. Artisteer web design generator for Joomla templates, Wordpress themes, Drupal themes, Blogger templates and DNN skins. I finally found out how to make programs on your calculator without typing for hours. With this video you should be able to make a program by typing it up. Kilauea Mount Etna Mount Yasur Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira Piton de la Fournaise Erta Ale. Chuck Gantzs C source listed below allows you to select. Swiss Grid. Perhaps the best source code to stealutilize is the free Mac. GPS source which is. Peter Bennets GPS Resource site. It has routines to translate to and from UTM, LatLon, ITM, OSGB, UPS, etc. People have. ported Mac. GPS to LINUXWindowsNT and other inferior operating systems, so you can find. Applications apps, which extend the functionality of devices, are written using the Android software development kit SDK and, often, the Java programming. Online Documents Library. Free download ebook and owner manual in PDF. Read online and download for free. Latest Document. Philips Dvd Player Manual. Mac. GPS. If all you need to do is run the calculations between geographic latlong and UTM. Lotus 1 2 3 Excel spreadsheet below, or The Coordinate. System Overview is an exellent overview of why various coordinate systems and datums. The book that should be on every coordinate system programmers shelf is. Map Projections A Working Manual. John P. Snyder. USGS Professional Paper 1. This text as well as a list of other required reading in GPS and cartography can be found. GPS Bibliography. I welcome contributions and additions to this page via e mail at. However, due to my full time jobs. Macintosh GPS systems developer and sociocultural anthropologist, I am unable. I would. suggest posting to the newsgroups or hiring a consultant in which case I would. For information on transformations to other grid systems. I was wondering if there was a computationally simple way to produce. UTM readings given latlon. Is there something simpleThe Asahi Shimbun is widely regarded for its journalism as the most respected daily newspaper in Japan. The English version offers selected articles from. Alternately, can. Date Fri, 0. 5 Jun 1. From Chuck Gantz. To Karen Nakamura. Subject UTM to LatLong conversion. Ive gotten several request for the inverse transformation from the one. Drivers In Labview Student. I originally gave you the code for, in other words the UTM to LatLong. People on the newsgroup keep asking for that too. So I. finally got around to writing the code for that. I wrote. that code, and modified the original code, to do the calculations for. Peter Danas GPS website. The code is a little bit longer than the original one, but its not to. I used to test the code. If you. would like to put this on your website, here is the code. In response to a question about the Swiss Grid, Chuck adds. I figured out half the Swiss Grid problem. I saw the reference to PROJ. I then went in to the PROJ. Swiss Grid reference. Then I went through the source code to try to find out where the CH1. The source code is just about unreadable, being made up. Eventually though I figured out that. CH1. 90. 3 datum is referenced to the Bessel reference ellipsoid. This is what is. needed for the transformation. Anyways, I wrote the code to do the forward projection, which turned out not to. I checked it out against some locations I found on the web. Luckily. the Swiss like to put both their latlong and Swiss Grid coordinates on their. Two of the locations were within about a meter, the third within about. I added this to my original UTM code, and moved some of the stuff in. I. put the source for the latlong to Swiss Grid here just in case you cant read. Im attaching all of the files to the email, just in case you. Any problems, let me know. The Swiss Grid code has now been amended by Chuck to include both forward. Enclosures Lat. Long UTMconversion. Lat. Long UTMconversion. UTMConversions. cpp view online as text file. Swiss. Grid. cpp view online as text file. Date Sat, 5 Oct 1. From Steve Metcalfe. To Karen Nakamura. Subject Re Latlong to UTM There is a Fortran 7. Hope this helps. Date Tue, 8 Oct 1. From Donald J. Stierman. Subject LatLong to UTM. Ive a spreadsheet that does this 1 2 3 for Windows, Excel will probably. I think I found the equations in Snyder 1. Map Projections A Working. Manual, USGS Prof. Paper 1. 39. 5 or from the other book located next to it on. For a list of other texts and purchasing info, see the GPS Bibliography. If you wish, Ill attach the spreadsheet file to an e mail message can. Lotus 1 2 3. Here are the attachments. UTM. wk. 4 Lotus 1 2 3 format 1. K. UTM. wk. 4 Lotus 1 2 3 format uuencoded 1. K. UTM. xls Microsoft Excel format 2. K. UTM. xls. uu Microsoft Excel format uuencoded 3. K. UTM. hqx Microsoft Excel 5. Macintosh format Bin. HQX 3. 9K. end attachments. Don Stierman, Associate Professor. From John Ceccherelli. To Karen Nakamura. Subject LatLong UTM Conversion. Date Fri, 7 Nov 1. Karen, I noticed your reply to a question about latlong to UTM on the sat nav usenet. I have a Lotus 1 2 3 worksheet which does this conversion as well as several other. Its small so it can be used on PDAs like the Casio, Sharp, and HP2. LX. Its freeware with no strings attached. I was wondering if you would check it out. I get about 1. 0 to 2. I dont a place to put it. Ive attached a. UUENCODE PKZIPPED file that contains the worksheet and documentation. As you can see, its pretty small. John Ceccherelli. Here are the attachments. Documentation MSWord file 2. K. mapxv. 2. doc. Documentation MSWord uuencoded 2. K. mapxv. 2. wk. Excel sheet 1. K. Excel sheet uuencoded 1. K. mapx. zip Zip file 1. K. mapx. uu Zip file uuencoded 1. K. end attachments. From Gachoki Thomas. To Karen Nakamura. Subject Conversion of LatitudeLongidude to Universal Transverse Mercator. Date Wed, 2. 1 Jun 2. I am interested in the above conversions including the inverse i. UTM to Latlong. I would be interested in a program that can do the conversion. However, I have done the same on the spreadsheet which I attach to this. The parameters are for Clarke 1. East Africa. The only caution is that since I was working with points very close. Northings and Eastings equations. Here are the attachments. Excel sheet 4. 8K. Excel sheet Bin. Hex encoded 6. K. Date Mon, 7 Oct 9. EDT. To karen. nakamurayale. Newsgroups sci. geo. Subject Re Latlong to UTM The Proj. UTM. I think the ftp address is kai. PROJ. 4. The best book is Map Projections A Working Manual by John P. Snyder. USGS Professional Paper 1. For a list of other texts and purchasing info, see the GPS Bibliography. Lat Lon to UTM is complicated by the fact that both lat lon and UTM. If you get WGS8. 4 lat lon out of a GPS and. WGS8. 4 based UTM, it wont match a map with a NAD2. UTM grid. Date Sat, 5 Oct 1. MST. From anonymous by request. To Karen Nakamura. Newsgroups sci. geo. Subject Re Latlong to UTM I am currently programming this as well. What it boils down to is. I accept any error under one meter, which results in sub cm. Lousy Fortran code is available from. Date Mon, 0. 7 Oct 1. From Anonymous by request. To Karen Nakamura. Newsgroups sci. geo. Subject Re Latlong to UTM A very good book on the subject, with plenty of conversion formulas, is. Snyder, J. P., Map Projections Used by the U. S. Geological Survey, 2nd. Geol. Survey Bulletin 1. U. S. Government Printing. Office, Washington, D. C., 1. 98. 2. For a list of other texts and purchasing info, see the GPS Bibliography. Commercial Software. Date Mon, 0. 7 Oct 9. GMT. From Jose Manuel Martinho Lourenco. To karen. nakamuraYale. Subject Re Latlong to UTMRockware as the GEOPAL. One of the calculations he does is the conversion. LATLON in UTM coordinates. You can find more in the site. Jose Manuel Martinho Lourenco.